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Mirrors Edge PS3

Mirrors Edge PS3

Regular price $7.00 AUD
Sale price $7.00 AUD
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Game Variant Description:  To avoid confusion the copies of this item that I have below will soon if they haven't already change to the following:.Game with Case and Booklet = This means it has the cover art, hard case that holds the game and the manual.Game with Case = This means it comes with the covert art, hard case that holds the game but does not have the manual .Game Only: This variant has the game only, no cover art, no manual and may not include a case to hold the game. The random letters and numbers after each title are just how we track our stock :)

Mirror's Edge is a thrilling and unique action-adventure game that was released for the PlayStation 3. Developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts, this game offers a refreshing and innovative gameplay experience that sets it apart from other titles in the genre.

One of the standout features of Mirror's Edge is its stunning visual design. The game takes place in a futuristic cityscape, where clean lines and vibrant colors dominate the environment. The contrast between the stark white buildings and the bright red objects that guide the player's path creates a visually striking experience that is both beautiful and immersive.

The gameplay in Mirror's Edge is centered around parkour and free-running, making it a truly exhilarating experience. Players take on the role of Faith, a skilled runner who must navigate the city's rooftops and alleys to complete various missions. The controls are intuitive and responsive, allowing for seamless movement and fluid acrobatics. The sensation of speed and freedom as you leap across rooftops and slide under obstacles is truly unmatched.

In addition to the thrilling parkour mechanics, Mirror's Edge also offers a compelling storyline. The game is set in a dystopian society where information is heavily monitored and controlled. As Faith, players must uncover a conspiracy and fight against the oppressive regime. The narrative is well-crafted and keeps players engaged throughout the game, with unexpected twists and turns that add depth to the overall experience.

Furthermore, the sound design in Mirror's Edge is exceptional. The game features a minimalist electronic soundtrack that perfectly complements the fast-paced gameplay. The sound effects, such as the pounding of footsteps and the rush of wind as you soar through the air, further enhance the immersion and intensity of the game.

However, Mirror's Edge is not without its flaws. The combat mechanics, while serviceable, can feel clunky and unpolished at times. Engaging in combat often disrupts the flow of the game, and the limited arsenal of weapons can make encounters repetitive. Additionally, the game's linear nature may not appeal to players who prefer open-world exploration and freedom.

Despite these minor drawbacks, Mirror's Edge is a standout title that offers a unique and exhilarating gameplay experience. Its stunning visuals, innovative parkour mechanics, compelling storyline, and immersive sound design make it a must-play for fans of action-adventure games.

Star rating: 4.5/5

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