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Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge PS2

Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge PS2

Regular price $12.84 AUD
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Game Variant Description:  To avoid confusion the copies of this item that I have below will soon if they haven't already change to the following:.Game with Case and Booklet = This means it has the cover art, hard case that holds the game and the manual.Game with Case = This means it comes with the covert art, hard case that holds the game but does not have the manual .Game Only: This variant has the game only, no cover art, no manual and may not include a case to hold the game. The random letters and numbers after each title are just how we track our stock :)

Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge PS2: A Fun and Challenging Adventure

Title: Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge PS2: A Fun and Challenging Adventure


Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge for the PlayStation 2 is a sequel to the original Fur Fighters game, offering an exciting and action-packed adventure for players. Developed by Bizarre Creations and published by Acclaim Entertainment, this game takes players on a journey to save their kidnapped children from the evil Viggo and his army of bears. With its unique gameplay mechanics, engaging storyline, and charming characters, Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge is a must-play for fans of the genre.


The gameplay in Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge is a perfect blend of platforming, shooting, and puzzle-solving elements. Players control a group of adorable animal characters, each with their own unique abilities and weapons. From exploring vibrant and diverse environments to engaging in intense combat with enemies, the game offers a variety of challenges to keep players entertained.

One of the standout features of the game is the ability to switch between characters on the fly, allowing for strategic gameplay and utilizing each character's strengths to overcome obstacles. Additionally, the game offers a wide range of weapons, from pistols to rocket launchers, ensuring that combat remains fresh and exciting throughout.

The level design is well-crafted, with a good balance between exploration and action. Each level presents its own set of challenges, including platforming sections, puzzles, and boss battles. The puzzles are cleverly designed, requiring players to think outside the box and utilize their characters' abilities to progress.

Storyline and Characters:

Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge boasts an engaging and humorous storyline that keeps players invested in the game. The plot revolves around the Fur Fighters' mission to rescue their kidnapped children from the clutches of the villainous Viggo. The game's cutscenes are well-animated and provide a good amount of backstory and character development.

The characters themselves are charming and memorable, each with their own distinct personalities. From the fearless Roofus to the tech-savvy Bungalow, players will find themselves attached to these lovable animal heroes. The game's dialogue is witty and entertaining, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall experience.

Graphics and Sound:

Considering the game's release on the PlayStation 2, the graphics in Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge are impressive. The environments are colorful and detailed, with a good amount of variety in each level. The character models are well-designed and animated, adding to the game's overall charm.

The sound design is also well-executed, with catchy background music that complements the gameplay. The voice acting is top-notch, with each character having their own unique voice and delivering their lines with enthusiasm.


Fur Fighters Viggos Revenge for the PlayStation 2 is a delightful and engaging adventure that offers a perfect blend of platforming, shooting, and puzzle-solving gameplay. With its charming characters, well-crafted levels, and entertaining storyline, the game provides hours of fun and excitement. Despite its age, the game still holds up well and is a must-play for fans of the genre.

Star Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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